Doug Ruffle
Coordinator of Congregational Development for the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference
Workshop Leader
The Reverend Dr. Douglas Ruffle serves as Team Coordinator of Congregational Development for the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference. Prior to assuming this position in 2003, Doug served as Executive Secretary for Transformation, Training and Leadership Development in the Evangelization and Church Growth program unit of the General Board of Global Ministries. He served as Pastor of the Teaneck United Methodist Church, in Teaneck, New Jersey, from 1987 to 1995. From 1978-1987, he served as a missionary in Argentina. From 1976-1978 he served as Associate Pastor in Evangelism at Grace United Methodist Church, Wyckoff, NJ.
Doug holds the Bachelor of Arts degree from Drew University, a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard University, a Master of Theology degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Drew University. He is the author of The Discovery Church Journey: An Invitation to Congregational Transformation (published in 2002); Un Sembrador Salió a Sembrar (a resource book on connectional evangelism); the article, “Building Blocks for a Multicultural Congregation” (Quarterly Review, /Fall 1993) as well as other articles for church publications, scholarly journals and Spanish language publications.
Doug will be leading four workshops:
- "Satisfying the Hungry Heart: Deepening Passion for the Local Church" - parts I & II
- "Rediscover Your Church's Mission"
- "Finding our Way Together: Tapping the Power of Wesleyan Small Group Ministry"
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